Purchasing ethical fashion is often faced with the same responses - shock and questions. Whichever side of the coin you land on Yes Friends are a brand aiming to bridge the gap of sustainability and affordability without compromising on style.
The £7.99 t-shirt is a classic fit tee that comes in both black and white. It's made of Fairtrade organic cotton in a factory powered by solar and wind energy which reduces its CO2 emissions by 90%.
Most of all, the garment workers get paid the living wage which is enough to cover a family's basic needs and some discretionary income. This is just the start of their journey as they pledge to continue to improve and increase the wages for workers throughout the entire supply chain.
Founder Sam Mabley started his dream to see garment workers paid better wages and sustainably responsible clothing over 8 years ago on a shopping trip. Since then, he has started up two sustainable and ethical fashion businesses Found Hea and now Yes Friends.
The dream for Yes Friends is to ensure living wages for all workers in their partner factory, be a voice among many as they advocate for living wages across the fashion industry and global supply chains, expand their collection and partner with more factories.
Dreaming for a better future often seems like near impossible task when it comes to putting it into action but when everyone benefits that makes it all the more worth going after.
Join the dream to transform the fashion industry.